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Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it. Jeremiah 30:7 (NKJ)

Speaking through the prophet Jeremiah, around 2600 years ago, God foretold a coming period of unprecedented suffering for the people of Israel and Judah (v4). Moses had earlier chillingly detailed this time of torment (Deut 28) which, both prophets said, would result from Israel's unfaithfulness to God. (Jeremiah 30:14, Deuteronomy 28:15 But as terrible as this distress would be, God promised that He would save the Jews out of it, remove them from among the gentiles, and restore them to their Land. (Jer 30:8-10; Deut. 30: 1-3; Ezekiel 37:12-14). Christian theology has long equated Jacob's trouble with "The Great Tribulation" - when the nations of the world move against those who believe in Israel's God.

When the Rabbis speak of the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" they understand it to be a time when persecution will break out against the Jews (such as the recent terrorist campaigns), followed by a war, followed by the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, the Time of Jacob's Trouble has for centuries been the byword to denote to the Jewish people the very imminence of the arrival of their long awaited Messiah. Great repentance with tears is warranted during the time of Jacob's Trouble, preparing the hearts of the people for the appearance of Messiah ben David, Messiah the Son of David.

Historically, there have been several times of "Trouble" for the descendants of Jacob. In 76AD, one million Jews died in one day at the hands of the Romans. 25 million people died under Stalin, at least 2 million of them being Jews. Hitler destroyed 6 million Jews. Some have suggested that the Holocaust was the biblical "Time of Jacob's Trouble."

However, a careful study of Ezekiel shows that the Time of Jacob's Trouble prophesied in Jer. 30:7 would happen

1) after the Jewish people had returned to their own land

2) when a "full generation" had been completed in their own land (at least 40 years)

3) and when, according to Jeremiah 15:8, a "plunderer" was IN the land and plundered the people in broad daylight. It is a statistical fact that not only has Arafat through political deception "stolen" land that belongs to God and which God gave to the Jewish people, but that in the past five years, Palestinians have literally stolen 36,000-40,000 automobiles PER YEAR from Israelis, among other things. The "plunderer" appears to be in the land and actively plundering!

4) now is the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY that the Jewish people have willingly given away the land that God gave them, thereby violating the covenant. When they have lost the land before, it has been taken from them. Now they have given it away for a false promise. The breaking of the covenant is a requirement for the onset of the Time of Jacob's Trouble.

Therefore, the recently reported declaration by the 27 Rabbis of prominence in Israel that the Time of Jacob's Trouble has now begun is not to be ignored or dismissed lightly. All of the conditions are in place and as one Jewish commentator remarked, "Considering how difficult it is to get 2 Jews to agree on anything, the fact that 27 RABBIS unanimously agreed to sign this declaration is noteworthy indeed."

What does this mean for the Christian?

The purpose of this brief teaching is not to debate anyone's doctrine of the end times, the rapture, etc.

It IS to call our attention to the seriousness of this hour. Where did we get a Christianity in which Jesus is the only one who carries a cross? Where did we get a Christianity where Jesus is the only one who dies? The martyrs knew nothing of this kind of Christianity. Neither should we. Jesus said, "If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me." Paul wrote "I die daily." And again, "Put to death the deeds of the flesh..."

Brothers and sisters, we have looked forward to the coming of the Lord for years. We've talked about it, we've studied Bible Prophecy. NOW is the hour to get on our face before God and make sure that with all of our studying and discussing, we have not forgotten the most important thing - that our hearts need to be ready for Him! It is a day to examine ourselves and see if with all of our studying and discussing, have we forgotten our first love? Are we candidates for the same rebuke as Jesus spoke to the church of Ephesus in Revelation 2, or even worse the Laodicean church of Revelation 3?

This is a season for honesty and humility, for confession and repentance. Let us not be found among those who are scoffers in the last days, as the Bible warns, but let us be among those whose hearts cry out for purity, holiness and a passionate love for the Lord God.

Consider prayerfully the words of this message; study it out in your own Bible. For, beloved, if we truly are in the "Time of Jacob's Trouble", you cannot afford to be ignorant of the times and seasons.