
必須要非常小心挑選彩票系統來使用,因為出售的許多系統都是假東西,或只是普通無用的系統,無法幫助提高你的樂透彩勝算。 我們已經學會研究各種彩票系統,就是要尋找黑色星星或符號,它會告訴你,如果它是一個很好的系統或差劣無用的系統。





1-Lotto Guy Lottery System (民意調查為最佳的,在15個系統當中為頂級) (*****)

2-Smart Play Lotto Wheels (驗證並經過驗證的所有組合,都贏得樂透彩)(****)

3-Gold Pyramid System系統現在已經在市場消失因為作者逝世(***)


1- Gail Howards Systems Wheeling Systems (有一些好評)(**)


1- The Lotto blackBook (*)

2- Silver Lotto System (*)

3- Silver Lotto PRO (*)

4-Odds Reduction System (*)

5-Lottery Crusher Software (*)

6-Lottery Circle Prediction Software(*)

7-Lottery Variant System (*)

8-Lottery Audit Software (*)

9- Lottery Phenomenon (pure Scam)

10- Beat The Lotto (*)

11- Lotto Cash Machine (*)

12- Lotto Masta (*)

13- Winning Lotto (*)

14- Formula 1 Lotto System

15- Win The Lottery In Three Steps (Mark Bower Lottery System) (*)

16- Lottery Method (*)

17- The Winning System (*)

18- Lotto Master Formula (*)

19- Lottery Winning Formula (*)

20- Winning Lotto Strategies (*)

21- Lotto Strategies For Winners (*)

22- How To Win Pick 6 (*)

23- How To Win Pick 5 (*)

24- Exploit The Lottery And Win (*)

25- Chris Malcolm Lottery Systems (many systems under his name) (*)

26- Beat Lotto (*)

27- Win Lotto Systems (Has some good reviews)(*) We would like to point out the good reviews are coming from Lottery-Guy.com which is an affiliate seller of this system, so really the reviews are false!

28- Ultimate Lottery Package (*)

29- Lottery Destroyer (*)


1- The Silver Lotto System (Seller Ken Silver)

2- The Lotto Black Book System (Seller Larry Blair)

3- Lotto Strategies For Winners (Richard Wilson) System Now Gone and Seller Charged With Fraud.

4- Mark Bower Lottery System

5- Lottery Phenonmenon

警告:我們收到了大量對銀樂透彩票銷售系統的投訴。關於他的銀樂透系統投訴,如下所示:不如廣告中聲稱有效,沒有保證退款的承諾、根本沒有接收銀樂透系統、信用卡已經過賬沒有買方許可,取消認購沒有理由並沒有作出退款Ken Silver現在被標籤了為騙子賣家在許多樂透彩系統評價網站,並已報告被列入欺詐網站,買家當心!


 Silver Lotto system Busted - Lottery News

 Silver Lotto System Review - Silver Lotto Exposed!

樂透小伙子(Lotto Guy Lottery System)是頂級贏錢系統,通過真實用戶的投票,如果你正在尋找他們,有兩個主要網站,Lotto Guy Lottery System and Lotto Guy Lottery System。如果尋找任何其他頂級中獎彩票系統,只是在谷歌搜尋它們就會很容易找到了。


Want to send us a review on a particular lottery system you have tried and the success you had using it   reviews.r@post.com
