天氣控制-HAARP 陰謀!天氣控制(一)
The United Nations established a global War Crimes Tribunal that will exercise control over sovereign nations in certain types of crimes. Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan is working here. This is a huge step to the global government of Antichrist. [Part 1 of 3]. 陰謀!天氣控制(二)
We have reported that a United Nations treaty is on record prohibiting any nation from using Weather Weapons against any other nation. Now, we will review articles that have appeared in the last 20 years boldly declaring that Weather Weapons do exist and do work. [Part 2 of 3] 陰謀!天氣控制(三)
聯合國利用天氣控制完成他們「偉大」的世界新秩序計劃! MORE BOLD ARTICLES FROM MASS MEDIA TELLING US ABOUT WEATHER WEAPON TECHNOLOGY! We review still more articles about the technology to control the weather. You will be stunned to learn how prevalent it is today. We conclude with a shocking United Nations pamphlet that ties weather control into their New World Order Plan! Part 3 of 3. 陰謀!天氣控制(四)
科學家可以製造空前大水災! CAUSING A MASSIVE FLOODING WITH WEATHER WEAPON TECHNOLOGY Now that we have examined firm, irrefutable evidence that Weather Weapons do exist, let us see how a massive, 500-year flood can actually be created, in the exact spot scientists choose. 陰謀!天氣控制(五)
中國近年的空前大風暴、水災很可能是天氣戰爭! UNPRECEDENTED FLOODING IN CHINA Weird Weather continues to rear its ugly head, in Communist China. Once more, we see historically unprecedented storms - flooding this time - pummeling mankind. Weather Warfare is a likely reason. 陰謀!天氣控制(六)
CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS IN THE PROGRESS OF WEATHER WARFARE TECHNOLOGY When we study the progression of scientific advances that allow government scientists to control the weather, we can learn much about Weather Warfare. 陰謀!天氣控制(七)
A TERRIFYING LOOK AT THE CONTROL OF WEATHER WARFARE -- A LOOK AT HAARP We shall take a basic look at the technology involved in controlling the weather. We shall try to take a simple look so you can understand a most complex scientific subject. ![]() 陰謀!天氣控制(八)
Life Magazine takes note of the terribly weird weather in the past two years, gives great statistics, and almost takes note of the capability to control weather. Yet, their conclusion is almost the New World Order goal. 陰謀!天氣控制(九)
聖經明明的說敵基督的勢力會支配全球,他用什麼力量控制全球?神怎會容讓這些邪惡力量殺害衪的子民呢? Life
Magazine談及過去兩年的惡劣天氣、提供大量統計及控制天氣的能力,但他們的解決可法極之新紀元思想!是世界新秩序的目標! The Bible is very explicit in its teaching of the rise of Antichrist and his subsequent domination of all aspects of life on earth. When will his New World Order come to fruition? Why would secular society as we know it worship a priest-king? What is the source of his power and might? Does he actually circumvent the sovereignty of God? Furthermore, does modern technology give any preliminary hints as to his control over the "forces of nature"? Lastly, how could God allow evil forces to destroy His creation? Insights to these and other related questions are discussed in this article. |