


On 27 August 2002, the archaeologists of the Israeli Antiquities Authority warned that the southern wall of the Temple Mount is in great imminent danger of collapsing. They stated that the bulge in the wall has become much larger. Last year the bulge was 70 cm [2.25 feet] and was 30 meters [98 feet] long. The bulge has now increased to over one meter [3 feet] and is much longer. The bulge was first noticed after Tisha b’Av last year immediately after the Temple Mount Faithful had carried the cornerstone for the Third Temple to the area in front of the southern wall of the Temple Mount.2002827日,《以色列古物局》的考古學家們警告聖殿山的南牆處於倒塌的大危險中。他們說牆凸出的部分變得很大。去年凸出的部分是70厘米[2.25]30[98]長。凸出的部分現在增長到逾一米[3],以及是很長的。去年,在《聖殿山忠實》攜帶第三聖殿的房角石到聖殿山南牆前面的地方不久其後,凸出的部分首度在Tisha b’Av之後的日子給人們注意。

The archaeologists also stated that if the wall collapses, the Al Aqsa mosque will collapse together with it. In addition, the other two illegal mosques that have been built over the past years will also collapse. They were built when they changed the Hulda entrance to the Temple Mount and the so-called Solomon’s Stables and made them into the largest mosque in the Middle East. Both of these holy places, together with the southern wall, were built by the Israeli King Herod and completed by 10 BCE. They were part of the Temple complex. On the southern wall were the Double Gate and Triple Gate which were known as the Hulda Gates after the prophetess Hulda and were used as the main entrance for millions of Jewish pilgrims in the Second Temple. The Hulda Tunnel and Solomon’s Stables (which were never stables and did not exist in the time of King Solomon; there were erroneously called this by the Crusaders) remained exactly as they were at the time of the Second Temple until recently when the Arabs on the Temple Mount covered the beautiful ornamentation and the pillars and illegally converted the area into a mosque.考古學家們也說,如果牆倒塌,Al Aqsa清真寺會一起倒塌。除此之外,另外兩座在以前非法建築的清真寺也會倒塌。

The archaeologists called on the Israeli authorities to repair the wall. However, the archaeologist, Eilat Mazar, stated that nothing can prevent the imminent collapse of the wall. They also stated that they do not know the reason for the bulge. However, the Arabs on the Temple Mount refuse to allow the Israeli authorities to try to repair the wall.考古學家們叫以色列當局修理這座城牆。但是,考古學家Eilat Mazar說沒有東西可以阻止城牆即將倒塌。他們也說他們不知道凸起的原因。但是,在聖殿山的阿拉伯人拒絕准許以色列當局嘗試修復城牆。

Yesterday (28/08/02), the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement sent an open letter to Ariel Sharon, the Prime Minister of Israel. In the letter the chairman of the Movement, Gershon Salomon, stated that the reason for the bulge and the "danger" of the wall collapsing is the Hand of the G-d of Israel. Gershon wrote in the letter that the bulge and probable collapse is no accident but the commencement of a godly move for the collapse of all the strange, pagan Arab presence on the Temple Mount, which is the most holy site of the Temple. This is a fulfilment of the prophecies of the prophets of Israel for the redemption of the Temple Mount, Israel, and all the world. It is so sad that everyone who looks for the reason for the bulge are too blind to understand this prophetic fact. Gershon called on the Israeli authorities and the archaeologists not to interfere in G-d’s activities and to prevent any activity to repair the wall. This godly event signifies the start of the collapse of the walls of violence and hatred against the people of G-d and the presence of the Arab Islamic enemy of the G-d and people of Israel in the most holy place of the G-d and people of Israel. The G-d of Israel is moving the end-time history of Israel and all the world towards the purification of His holy hill from the foreigners and their desecration and towards the rebuilding of the Temple. This is also the start of G-d’s judgement on these foreign enemies on the Temple Mount who have desecrated, vandalised and destroyed the remains of the First and Second Temples, built new mosques on the holy site of G-d, and still continue their activities to convert the Temple Mount into an Islamic site by eliminating the remains of the Jewish Temples. They dared to lift their hands against the G-d of Israel and the people of Israel. They were deluded into thinking that they could deny and ignore the existence of the Temple on the Temple Mount and in this way prevent the godly historical endtime step of the redemption of the Temple Mount, Israel and all the world.昨天,《聖殿山和以色列地忠實運動》寄一封公開信給以色列總理沙龍。

The G-d of Israel showed them that no one can raise their hands and fight against Him. So many enemies of Israel who have occupied the Temple Mount and Jerusalem since the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE have completely disappeared from the stage of history like dust in the wind under the judgement of G-d. This and even worse will be the fate of the current enemies of the G-d and people of Israel on the Temple Mount and all over the land of Israel.

Gershon called on Ariel Sharon not to squander the great credit that G-d and history gave him at a very great and critical time in the history of Israel but to co-operate with G-d and to remove His enemies from his most holy hill and to immediately start the building of the Third Temple

Gershon reminded Prime Minister Sharon of the Hand of G-d on the southern wall of the Temple Mount during Tisha b’Av 2001 when the Temple Mount Faithful Movement carried the cornerstone to the area in front of the wall and its historical gates and how the bulge had immediately started to appear. It was a clear message from G-d that the gates and walls should immediately be opened to the cornerstone and the starting of the rebuilding of the Temple. Exactly as His word states in the Psalms, "the stone which the builders rejected became the head of the corner". Through this cornerstone G-d caused a political and spiritual earthquake in Israel, the Middle East and all over the world. In all the Arab countries models of the Temple that they built were burned and again the had illusions that they could prevent this major godly end-time event by such activities which again brought them to desecrate the Name of G-d. It is no accident that G-d caused the bulge and eventual collapse on the southern wall of the Temple Mount. This was the main entrance for pilgrims to the First and Second Temples and G-d is eager to open this wall and its gates to millions of pilgrims to the Third Temple.

On Saturday, 24 August 2002, the anti-Israeli Islamic Movement in Israel brought 45,000 of its members to the Temple Mount and held a demonstration against the G-d and people of Israel. The Temple Mount Faithful Movement sent a message of protest to the Israeli authorities and asked them why they did not prevent this demonstration which again desecrated the holy site of the G-d of Israel. During the demonstration they incited the Arabs against the Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount and in Jerusalem and the land of Israel. They stated that the land of Israel is "Palestine" and that there is no place for the Jews on the Temple Mount or in Jerusalem and all of the land of Israel. They denied that the Temple Mount had been the site of the First and Second Temples and the godly historical heart and soul of the G-d and people of Israel. It was a terrible revolt by the followers of Yasser Arafat, the enemies of the G-d and people of Israel on the Temple Mount, against G-d and the eternal covenant that He made with Abraham and Israel when He gave the land of Israel to His people Israel only and gave them the Temple Mount and Jerusalem where they were to build His house. It was a rude lie against the history of the relationship and long link between G-d, Israel and the Holy Land; a history of thousands of years of the people of Israel who lived in this land since the time of Abraham and King David and built it to be the land of the G-d and people of Israel. The reaction of G-d came immediately. On the next day the archaeologists discovered that the size of the bulge had increased. This was again an immediate sign of the Hand of G-d and His judgement.

In his letter to the Prime Minister, Gershon stated that we are now standing at the threshold of a new and decisive stage in the major, historical, prophetic, godly move for the redemption of the Temple Mount, the people and land of Israel and of all the world. We are now witnessing the final death throws of the cruel, foreign and vandalistic occupation of the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and the land of Israel. G-d will no longer suffer the continued desecration of His holy mountain. If the Israeli Government will not immediately stop the enemies occupation as G-d expects it to do, then G-d Himself will very soon stop it which He has already started to do. The bulge in the southern wall is the start of this irreversible move of G-d. The people of Israel and all the world cannot and will not succeed in running away from the Temple Mount and from the godly task of the people of Israel to immediately rebuild the house of G-d. The Temple Mount and the Temple will pursue them and the Temple will soon be rebuilt whether they want it or not. This is the hour decreed by the G-d of Israel.

The collapse of security, the economy, the community, morality, the cruel terror attacks, the terrible carnage on the roads and the political and social instability all over the world are a result of the shameful ignoring of the Temple Mount and the call of G-d to the immediate rebuilding of the temple which will open a new godly era of morality in the life of all the world. Gershon called on the people of Israel and its leadership to heed the call of their G-d, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to join Him and His prophetic end-time redemptional move, to immediately purify the holy hill of G-d and to immediately build His house on the Temple Mount which will be the major tower of light for Israel and all the nations and a house of love and worship for the people of G-d and all the world. We are calling for the awakening of everyone for this major prophetic and godly end-time event in Israel and all over the world. Let us not miss the great godly opportunity which He privileged us to have at a very critical and exciting time in the history of Israel and all the world.

Everyone in Israel and all over the world is called on to pray loudly the following Word of G-d to His prophet, Isaiah which has started to become reality and will soon be completed on the Temple Mount:

