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1. ¤µ¥Í°µ©x¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@¶Àª÷ùÛ¦ò¨。 His holding the position of a high ranking government office this generation is the consequence of his decorating the statue of the Lord Buddha with gold leaf in his previous life. 2. ÃM°¨§¤Ã⬰¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@×¾ôçE¸ô¤H。 Why is he having the privilege to ride on a horse or travel on a sedan chair? It is the consequence of his contribution made to the public welfare by raising funds to build the bridge and repair the road in his previous life. 3. ¬ïº÷¬ï½v¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@¬I¦ç·q¹¬¤H。 Why he is so rich as to wear in silk fabrics or in satin dress? It is the consequence of his donating robes to the Buddhist monks in his previous life. 4. ¦³¹¦³¬ï¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@¯ù¶º¬I³h¤H。 Why does he not worry about food and dress? It is the consequence of his giving alms to the poor in his previous life. 5. °ª¼Ó¤j·H¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@¬I¦Ì¤W±gªù。 Why he is so rich as to be able to live in luxurious mansion? It is the consequence of his donating rice right to the door of the nuns¡¦ monastery in his previous life. 6. ºÖ¸S¨ã¨¬¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@³y±g«Ø²D«F。 Why he is sufficient in his lucky and prosperity? It is the consequence of his generous donation made in the construction of the monastery for nuns as well as of the pavilion built for the shelter of the public in his previous life. 7. ¬Û»ªºÝÄY¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@ÂAªá¨Ñ¦ò«e。 Why he is so dignified in his outer aspects? It is the consequence of his offering flowers on the altar of the Lord Buddha in his previous life. 8. Áo©ú´¼¼z¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@»w¸g©À¦ò¤H。 Why he is full of wisdom? It is the consequence of his daily prayers and chanting by the name of the Lord Buddha in the previous life. 9. ¤Ò©dªø¦u¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@¼lï٨Ѧò«e。 Why the husband and wife can stay together for life? It is the consequence of his offering of streamers and silk pennants before the altar of the Lord Buddha in his previous life. 10. ¤÷¥ÀÂù¥þ¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@·q«©t¿W¤H。 Why both of his parents are still alive? It is the consequence of his paying respect to those who were lonely in his previous life. 11. ¦h¤l¦h®]¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@¶}Å¢©ñ³¾¤H。 Why has he so many sons and grandsons? It is the consequence of his setting the birds free from the cages in his previous life. 12. ¤µ¥Íªø©R¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@¶Rª«¦h©ñ¥Í。 Why does he enjoy longlivedness in his present life? It is the consequence of his setting the livestocks free after having bought them back in his merciness in his previous life. 13. ¤µ¥Í¦u¹è¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@»´½â¤V¤Ò¨。 Why does she become a widow this life? It is because she scorned her husband in her previous life. 14. ¤µ¥Í¥£±A¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@§Ñ®¦t¸q¤H。 Why does he become a slave this present life? It is because he forgot to return the favour given to him by the other people in his previous life. 15. ¤µ¥Í²´©ú¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@±ËªoÂI¦ò¿O。 Why does he have bright eyes to see the world this present life? It is because he donated the oil money to light up the statue of the Lord Buddha in his previous life. 16. ¤µ¥ÍŤ°×¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@´c¤f½|Âù¿Ë。 Why is he dumb and deaf this present life? It is because he used to scold his parents in his previous life. 17. ¤µ¥Í¾mI¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@¯º¤F«ô¦ò¤H。 Why is he humpbacked this present life? It is because he used to sarcastic at the people who prayed in front of the Buddha. 18. ¤µ¥Í¤û°¨¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@¤í¶Å¤£ÁÙ¤H。 Why does he become a cow or a horse this present life? It is because he did not care to discharge the debts he owed people in his previous life. 19. ¤µ¥ÍµL¯f¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@¬IÃıϯf¤H。 Why is he free from illness this present life? It is because he used to donate medicines for the treatment of the sick in his previous life. 20. §D¤±©tW¬°¦ó¦]¡H«e¥@´c¤ß«Iºâ¤H。 Why is he all alone by himself without any relatives or friends in this present life? It is because he used to bring harmness to the other people with an evil heart in his previous life.
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