
Posted: 25th November 2012 by admin in Lottery

有這麼多人厭倦了彩票系統,基本上都是不能中獎的廣告垃圾系統,如Beat The Lotto Lottery Circle SoftwareSilver Lotto SystemThe Lotto Black BookLottery MethodLotto Master FormulaFormula 1 Lotto SystemLotto Variant SystemMark Bower Lottery System (以三個步驟中樂透彩)以及還有更多。所有這些荒謬的樂透系統已被審查和幾乎是無用的系統,聲稱不真實的中獎百分比欺騙你,偷你的錢,哪怕是保證退錢,你是不會得到退款。

The truth is, sneaky Marketers are making up and selling very crappy lottery systems that just plain do not work!事實是,偷偷摸摸的營銷彌補非常令人討壓的彩票銷售系統,只是簡單的無效!They hype up the sales pages, fill it full of lies and false advertising to suck you in. Most all of these lottery systems are based on lottery wheeling systems or lottery software systems that are made up very fast, not tested or proven in anyway.他們在銷售網頁炒作,充滿謊言和虛假的廣告來吸引你中招。大多數所有這些彩票系統是基於聰明組合系統,隨心所欲的系統或彩票軟件系統,製作是非常快的,而不是經過測試或證實有效。They advertise lottery software systems that will give you a ridiculous win rate of 47% up to 100% and people are falling for these lies, thinking if it does not work, I will just get a refund, well think again!他們宣傳彩票軟件系統給你一個荒謬47%到100%中獎率,人們正在跌進這些陷阱,想想,如果無效,我會得到退款,再想想!This is the gimmick, suck you in with false systems and false guaranteed refunds, walk away with your money laughing all the way to the bank.這是噱頭,吸引你用虛假的系統和假保證退款,騙走你在銀行的存款。

真實的系統報告Real reviews of systems as The Lotto Black Book, Lottery Circle Software System, Formula 1 Lotto System, Lotto Master Formula, Silver lotto System, Lottery Method, Lottery Crusher, Lottery Winning Package and many others have been reported as seriously very poor systems.Lotto Black BookLottery Circle Software SystemFormula 1 Lotto SystemLotto Master FormulaSilver lotto SystemLottery MethodLottery CrusherLottery Winning Package和許多其他的系統已經被視為十分差劣的系統。The main sellers of these lotto systems are just shady marketers trying to fill their pockets full of your money.這些樂透彩系統的主要賣家是只是陰險的營銷策略,用你的錢填補他們的銀包。They claim to be lottery experts, really!他們自稱是彩票專家,真的嗎!You are not an expert if you sell repeat lottery systems you can find on the web for free, or just re-name the system and sell it again under a phony scenario.你不是專家,如果你售賣的彩票系統正是你可以在網絡上找到免費的,或者只是重新命名系統和一個虛假的情況下再包裝出售。These are not lottery experts, these are trained criminals and you should report them to the FTC.這些都不是彩票專家,這些都是訓練有素的犯罪分子,你應該報告給聯邦貿易委員會。

There was a lottery system poll taken in early 2012 by a reputable lottery review site, on 15 of the top lottery systems.有一個彩票系統在2012年初投票表決在一個著名彩票評論網站,包含十五個最著名的彩票系統。You could not vote more than once as it was 1 vote per IP address.你不能投超過一次票,因為每個網絡位址只可投一票。Lotto system users voted on the system or systems they thought was the best of the bunch.樂透系統用戶投票或所買的系統,他們認為是最好的一群。After 1 month the test results were posted and the big winner was the .個月後的測試結果公佈後,大贏家是Lotto Guy Lottery SystemMany people and real lottery winners have been saying this system, is the system to use if you want real lotto winning results and we do agree!很多人和真正的彩票中獎者一直在說這個系統,使用系統如果你想真正的結果是中樂透,我們同意!What happened to all the high-priced lottery systems that said they give ?高價的彩票系統,說他們會給你47 - 100%的中彩率,這會發生了什麼事呢?Well now that this poll has been done, the real truth is out and it has been absolutely proven that these bogus lotto systems below and many others do not do as advertised and some are pure scams.現在好了,已經做了本次調查,真正的事實是,它已經完全被證實,這些以下的假樂透系統和許多其他在廣告中承諾中獎但其實不中獎的系統,有些系統是純粹的詐騙。

Lottery Circle Software

Silver Lotto System

Lotto 80 Prediction

Lotto Master Formula

Beat The Lotto

Lottery Method

The Lotto Black Book

Lottery Dominator

Inverted Lottery System

Win Lotto Systems

Lotto Variant System

Mark Bower Lottery System 

Lotto Strategies For Winners

Winning Lotto Strategies

Lottery Winning Formula

Formula 1 Lotto

Lottery Crusher

Lottery DNA

Lotto Masta

Lottery Winning Package

Lottery Audit

Lotto Payload

Beat Lotto

Gail Howard Smart Luck

Lottery Checkmate System

這是極度嚴重的,有多少人被這些賣家或系統欺騙金錢!These systems all have one thing in common, they are sold through ClickBank, so report them and help get rid of the problem.這些系統都有一個共同點,他們都是透過ClickBank銷售,因此報告有助於擺脫問題。The sad part is all of these systems claim they are the best and people fall for it, oh well, you live and you learn.可悲的是,所有這些系統聲稱他們是最好,實際上人們會受騙,很好哦,你總是以為你從來沒有過錯。If a lottery system has affiliates selling it, 9 out of 10 times it will be a poor system that will never win the lottery.如果一個樂透系統有分支機構銷售,十個有九個,會是一個不好的系統,永遠不會贏得樂透彩。

If you need more truthful information on lottery systems checkout these top review sites Lottery System Reviews and Lottery System Review Post .如果你需要更多的真實資訊在彩票系統,請讀這些頂尖評論網站Lottery System Reviews and Lottery System Review Post