
英國廣播公司(BBC 1)本月(編按: 3月21日)稍後播映一個新節目,由理性角度力證《聖經》中挪亞造方舟避過大洪水一事毫無科學和歷史根據,只是編造的「神話」。 由BBC宗教及倫理部製作的《挪亞方舟》,訪問了多位歷史學家和科學家,他們都認為沒證據顯示地球曾發生淹沒所有陸地的大洪水、沒有如此大的方舟,甚至沒有挪亞這個人物。

史上沒洪水能盡淹大地 受訪的科學家指,就算集合全地球的水,或連續四十天日夜不停下雨,亦不能淹沒所有陸地。



Animals into the ark two by two? Not if you believe the BBC By Chris Hastings, Media Correspondent (Filed: 07/03/2004)

The Biblical story of Noah's ark is a "great myth", devoid of any scientific or historical credibility according to a new BBC programme about the great flood.


Noah's Ark, which has been produced by the Corporation's religion and ethics division, argues that there is no evidence to support the idea of an ark, a global flood or even a man called Noah.


It claims that the story in the Book of Genesis was a fabrication inspired by the story of King Gilgamesh, who was caught up in a flood while trying to transport his own livestock. Gilgamesh, who was King of Uruk in Babylonia in around 2,700 BC, had a shaved head and wore make up as well as a kilt. He bore no resemblance to the traditional image of Noah as displayed in countless paintings.


He and his family were stranded at sea when a freak flood swept them from the river they were in. Unable to drink seawater they stayed alive by drinking the beer that they were transporting.


Jeremy Bowen, the programme's presenter, tells viewers: "It is time to forget the original story and start again.


The traditional notion of the Noah story does not pass any sort of rational or historical test.


Maybe it was not meant to, maybe it was made up."


In the programme, Bowen interviews a number of scientists and historians who dismiss the idea that the world was engulfed by a global flood.


They say that there is not enough water in all of the world's oceans to support a torrent of such proportions.


Bowen further concludes that even 40 days and nights of continuous rain would not have produced enough water.


Recent claims that the flooding could have been caused by a comet bursting onto the earth's surface are also dismissed.


Bowen and his team also contradict traditional notions about the ark itself, saying that such a huge ship - two thirds the size of the Titanic - would have not been possible with the level of technology available at the time. Loading so many animals onto a single vessel would have taken 35 years, it claims.

鮑恩和他的團隊也與方舟本身發生衝突,傳統觀念說 ─ 三分之二大小的鐵達尼號 ─ 建造這種巨大的船在當時的科技水準是辦不到的。運載很多動物至一艘船要花時三十五年之久。

They conclude that the Noah story was invented by Jewish scribes who embellished the story of Gilgamesh to evoke an all powerful and vengeful God.



Cotquean 日報 ( 1/ 4/ 2004)


掠水日報( 1/ 4/ 2003)


比錢報( 1/ 4 / 2002)


賺錢日報 ( 1/ 4/ 2001)
